E Arubalening pa studia na Merca entrante augustus of januari ta consisti di:
- un (1) startpakket di Afl 20.000,- y
- shete (7) termijnuitbetaling di Afl 20.000,- cada un. Esaki ta wordo paga cada 6 luna.
Si acaso e studiante ta desea di stop e termijnuitbetaling, por haci esaki na cualkier momento.
Si den pasado un Arubalening a keda otorga na e studiante, e suma di e startpakket y e suma y cantidad di termijnuitbetalingen por varia. E suma maximo di e startpakket ta Afls 20.000,- mientras cu e suma maximo di un termijnuitbetaling ta Afls 20.000,-.
Pa mas informacion di Arubalening (criteria, procedura di aplicacion) mester acudi na e pagina:
Gobierno di Aruba a formalisa un acuerdo (Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cu diferente instituto na Merca. Cada MOU entre Gobierno di Aruba y e instituto Mericano ta diferente. Por haya mas informacion di e contenido di cada MOU riba e pagina:
Si tin pregunta por tuma contacto cu e International Office di e instituto na unda ta interesa pa studia. E International Office ta brinda informacion tocante tur aspecto na momento cu un studiante kier continua cu su estudio na Merca.
Pa informacion general por acudi tambe na e pagina:
EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 430 international student advising centers in more than 175 countries. Our mission is to promote U.S. higher education to students around the world by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States.
5 Steps to Study in the U.S.:
- Research Your Options: Explore universities and programs that align with your academic and personal goals.
- Finance Your Studies: Understand the costs associated with studying in the U.S. and explore scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
- Complete Your Application: Prepare application materials, including transcripts, test scores, essays, and letters of recommendation.
- Apply for Your Student Visa: Navigate the visa application process and prepare for your visa interview.
- Prepare for Departure: Arrange housing, travel, and any necessary preparations for your transition to studying in the United States.
For personalized guidance and information, visit our advising center located at Stadionweg 37, in the same building as Arubalening.
You can also reach us directly at +297 5283476, on WhatsApp at +297 56-ED-USA or +297 5633872, or via email at aruba@educationusa.org.
For more information about studying in the United States, visit the EducationUSA website: educationusa.state.gov.
Stay updated with the latest news and events by following our Facebook page: EducationUSA Aruba our Instagram page: edusa_aruba.
For Student visa information:
The U.S. Consulate General website for student visa information and to apply for you appointment:
Studiantenan cu tin pensa di haci un estudio na Merca of Canada, of na idioma ingles, mester haci e testnan di TOEFL y SAT.
Na Aruba e testnan ta wordo organisa na:
Mas informacion:
Na aña 2017 Minister di Enseñansa hunto cu International School of Aruba a formalisa un acuerdo pa ofrece e GED-program na Aruba. General Education Development (GED) ta reconoci pa un cantidad grandi di College y Universities na Merca y Canada. E studiante cu haci peticion pa un Arubalening mester tin un score total minimo di 660 punto of mas cu un score minimo di 165 pa cada parti di e GED. E studiante mester tin 18 aña.
Pa tur informacion di e GED program por acudi na website: