Studentenhuisvesting Utrecht
Arubahuis ta brinda informacion di studentenhuisvesting na Utrecht pa futuro studiantenan for di Aruba.
Studentenhuisvesting Brabant y Limburg
Den Haag – Arubahuis ta brinda informacion di vivienda pa studiantenan cu kier studia na Hulanda den regio Brabant y Limburg.
MoU on a joint commitment to education in medical and other health professions and accreditation (doc)
MoU on a joint commitment to education in medical and other health professions and accreditation thereof between the Caribbean accreditation authority for education in medicine and other health professions and the Ministry of Education of the Government of Aruba
November 2023
HENA Expo ta un plataforma pa informa y conecta studiantenan y mayornan cu e “tools” necesario pa descubri y cana e caminda corecto pa studia na Merca of na Canada.Lesa mas
Minister di Enseñansa ta bishita diferente universidad na Merca
Minister di Enseñansa a haci un bishita oficial na diferente universidad na Merca cu e meta pa crea oportunidad pa nos studiantenan di Aruba.
Vierlandenoverleg cu proyectonan concreto
Minister di Enseñansa di Aruba, Endy Croes, ta mira atras riba dos dia fructifero di reunionnan intensivo y cu resultado concreto durante e ‘Vierlanden overleg’ di Ministernan di Enseñansa, Ciencia y Cultura di Reino.
Slotconclusies van het Ministerieel Vierlanden Overleg (doc)
Slotconclusies Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap tussen Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten en Nederland
November 2023
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